Once you have got your moving date, you will need to do certain things in a certain order or else you might find yourself in freezing cold new home, with not enough water to even boil a kettle.
Four Weeks Before Moving
• Confirm the date of your move.
• If you are renting, notify your landlord of your moving date.
• Notify the gas & electricity companies of your new address & arrange to have the meters read.
• Start getting rid of possessions you no longer need. Decide which items can be taken to a charity shop, sold at a car boot sale, offered to your friends or disposed of.
• If you need new furniture/carpets etc order it now & check delivery times.
Two Weeks Before Moving
• Make a list of everyone who should know about the move. Send out change of address cards.
• Start packing non-essential items such as books and non-seasonal clothes into boxes, it’s a good idea to use a small room for storing your packed boxes.
• If you have children or pets, arrange for someone to look after them during the move.
• Notify your milkman & newsagent that you will be moving and give them the date you want the services to stop.
• If you are renting, notify your landlord of your moving date.
• If you are going to have your home professionally cleaned, arrange it now.
• De-register from your doctor, dentist & optician if you are moving out of the area.
• Visit the post office & arrange for your post to be redirected. (You will be charged a fee for this service).
One Week Before Moving
• Finalise the arrangements with your removal company. Confirm their time of arrival & make sure they have directions to your new home.
• Start packing your possessions into boxes, making sure each box is clearly labelled with the room & details of its contents. Don’t forget to label all fragile items.
• Separate all essential documents & records & keep in a safe place until the day of the move.
• Disassemble furniture.
One day before moving
• Make sure the house is clean.
• Contact the utility companies & check that the meters will be read.
• Walk round your home, checking that nothing has been left behind. If you have a garden, garage or loft checked you have packed everything.
• Defrost fridge/freezer.
• Get new keys or ensure they’ll be available on the day.
• Keep valuable items such as jewellery in a safe place.
• Set aside vacuum cleaner & cleaning products for the new house.
Moving Day
In Your Old Home
• Strip beds & keep linen ready for the evening.
• Make sure removers have your new address & directions.
• Pack a box with essentials for when you arrive at your new house:
• An electric kettle, tea, coffee, sugar, milk, mugs, biscuits & toilet paper are likely to be high on your list. Also make sure you have all necessary telephone numbers at hand.
• Check that all doors windows are secure & water, gas & electricity are switched off (if necessary).
In Your New Home
• It’s a good idea to drive ahead of your removers to open the house.
• Check all utilities are working.
• Unpack your survival box, put the kettle on.
• Order takeaway & open a bottle of wine!